Sunday, September 18, 2011


This lady would have a good message if she could calm down and not sound like a acid induced idiot!   shelley ludden is a ex porn star turned activist and she shows up to many open debates and her main focus is to try and shut the porn industry down ...

 my issue with her is she cant talk her vocabulary sucks and she dares to use jesus name in this video after all the curse words she used right before... this lady seems like she is damaged by her past and on some type of drug! i am embarrassed to say this person came from the same industry as myself ...  not all porn stars are on drugs or users  of alcohol . like any other industry you have people who always had these problems and habits but with money it gets worst ! ....

shelley you need to sit your old ass down and be quiet because last time i did a movie no one forced me to do anything ! just because your experienced was low budget and terrible don't stereo type the whole industry as such you idiot!  ... im sorry  i have seen this loud mouth hill billy  talk way to much im so sick of her mouth !

1 comment:

  1. Shelley is a great advocate to show the dark side of the adult flim industry. Granted I believe if anyone wants to be a porn star that is their choice but this industry does lack of work safety standards eg, greater chance of catching an STD or performing a sex act one may not be comfortable doing.
    Sure the money or the fame maybe tempting but if you play with fire on your health, your body and your dignity eventually you are going to get burned.
